The certification code for the IDREO Rebreather Explorer Assistant Instructor (R_REB_AI) course.
The holder of this card will be certified to conduct decompression dives using a Semi-Closed Rebreather (SCR) and/or a passive Semi-Closed Rebreather (PSCR) and/or an Adjustable passive Semi-Closed Rebreather (aPSCR) and/or a manual Closed-Circuit Rebreather (mCCR) and/or an electronic Closed-Circuit Rebreather (eCCR), using unlimited diving mixes.
The PN2 may not exceed 4.0 bar. The PO2 may not exceed 1.6 bar.
When in active status, the holder may repeat skills with other IDREO Rebreather Explorer divers for all parts in which the holder is certified as an IDREO Rebreather Explorer Assistant Instructor.